Comida Casera

Comida Casera

domingo, 7 de agosto de 2016

Cocinando entre Amigos

Cocinar y Socializar

Interesados en disfrutar del arte de cocinar, pasar de un buen rato cocinando, relacionarse, aficionados a la cocina, cocinar en parejas.

Este es un grupo para todos los amantes de la cocina, a los que disfrutan comiendo bien o quieren aprender a cocinar, para cualquier nivel. Divertirse creando platos diferentes, sanos y deliciosos o con una buena comida casera. Estoy seguro que será agradable y divertido. Además, ¿quieres conocer nuevas personas y hacer amigos con tus mismas aficiones?. Esta es una buena oportunidad para ti. Cocinar es una de las grandes pasiones en la vida. En este meetup podrás descubrirlo.
Para todas aquellas personas que les gusta la gastronomía, cocinar y conocer gente de una forma divertida. La idea es cocinar en grupo y quedarnos a cenar lo preparado!

Cocinando entre Amigos

Es uno de los momentos perfectos de la vida: cocinar entre amigos.

Un plan que empieza escogiendo el menú . O no, porque siempre está el amigo al que le gusta organizar, o el que quiere probar algo nuevo, y los demás se apuntan. La compra es más divertida cuando es en grupo. Distribuirse para comprar los diversos ingredientes, o discutir sobre cuáles llevarse. Suele ser el momento en que todos saben cómo hacerlo. Si se aprovecha el rato de la compra para hacer una parada a por un vermut, mejor que mejor.

Y ya de vuelta a la casa en que se cocina. Una copa de vino o una cerveza, unos minutos de descanso y charla, hasta que alguien se levanta dispuesto a empezar con los pasos previos a toda cocina: pelar y cortar, o hacer un caldo, o adobar una carne o un pescado. Asoman los olores que tan buen ambiente crean. Alguien pone música.

Quizás uno organiza a los demás. O cada quien hace lo que le apetece, y el plato se va realizando mediante una autorganización improvisada. Qué tentación bromear sobre la pericia de los demás. Qué arte tienen algunos. Los aromas de un plato que ya empieza a maridar ingredientes crean conversaciones especiales. Como el hecho de trabajar con las manos, cortar con cuidado, vigilar el punto de cocción, remover los ingredientes en la sartén, esuchar el chup chup. Antes de que el plato esté listo, ya lo hemos disfrutado con todos los sentidos.

Experiencia Gastronómica

Este grupo ha sido creado por y para gente que ama la cocina y todo lo relacionado con ella. Soy una viajera apasionada que disfruta el intercambio cultural, compartir con amigos y todas esas actividades relacionadas con el acto esencial y maravilloso de comer.

Me motiva la organización de encuentros enriquecedores que inviten a celebrar dos de los mejores regalos de la vida: la comida y la amistad. Sois más que bienvenidos a participar en los eventos de este grupo: charlas, catas, clases de cocina, etc. Tengo entusiasmo y muchas ideas para hacer de cada actividad una experiencia única de aprendizaje y diversión.

¿Queréis conocer gente y hacer nuevos amigos mientras disfrutáis de buena comida y bebida? Este grupo es una buena oportunidad para hacerlo.

This group has been created for and by people who love food and everything about it. I am a passionate traveler who enjoys cultural exchanges, sharing with friends, and all activities that involve the essential and wonderful act of eating.

I feel very motivated to organize enriching meetings which allow us to celebrate two of the best of life's gifts: food and friendship. So you are more than welcome to join all the events of this group, such as tastings, cooking lessons and talks. I have many ideas in mind and I´d love to make them a unique experience of learning and fun.

Do you want to meet new people and make new friends, while you learn and enjoy delicious food and drinks? This group is a good opportunity to do it.

Dinner Parties

Welcome to our group. We're a dining and discussion group that meets regularly for dinner and interesting conversation. The group was started to bring together people who like dining together and having the kinds of discussions they don't get enough of elsewhere. Our dinners are held at low key restaurants that have good food and facilitate good group communication. In addition, we may also go to movies, lectures, or other events that engender thoughtful discussion at a restaurant afterwards.
Our events won't necessarily have a particular discussion topic, but an "ice breaker" question may be suggested as a way of introducing yourself to the group.

… Let's meet strangers and acquaintances during intimate dinners and make new friends in this great city we live in. Let's travel, dine, drink wine, watch movies, and cook together. Let's share life experiences and meet similar minds.
Let's give back to the community and have fun doing it. I hope to meet with you soon!

Let's just make it easy, dinner, brunch, drinks, wine tasting, happy hours, make new friends, meet new people! I'm originally from Italy and want to try out as many of the best restaurants with other foodies like me. I actually like having great conversations with all our members new or regular does not matter. The events are mostly small enough to make it easy to get a table and intimate enough to really get to know each other.

So invite your friends to join us and help make this group great! Don’t forget, your suggestions are always welcome, so feel free to share your thoughts with us.

Wine Tasting

This meetup group has been created for like minded people to get together and enjoy wine. The true essence is to have fun, enjoy meeting new people that have a similar interest and taste new wines. You do not need to be a wine expert just someone that enjoys wine and socializing.
Let's explore wines together through wine tasting, wine route tours, visiting wineries, discussions.

All you need to do is to appreciate wine, share your thoughts/wine recommendations with us. All wine lovers are welcome, from new bouquet-sniffers to educated connoisseurs. This group is for people who enjoy wine! Whether you are a novice or an expert we are looking to get together with people who appreciate and want to continue learning more about our! The goal is to have at least one event per month where we come together to try new and interesting wines from all over the world, hopefully pair them with some fun foods, and enjoy some great conversations with fellow wine lovers. Every meet up will be a fun, interactive, and affordable way to meet new people, try some great wines, and learn some fun facts. So if you like wine and you like meeting new people then this group is for you! Hope to see you at the next meet up.

Group Cooking

This group is for people who love to cook good food - or would like to learn how - in a group setting! We meet at a host's house (anybody can host - we'll do this in turns, but no obligations) and each person brings ingredients for and cooks a part of the meal (appetizer / entree / dessert). Cookware is provided by the host. We will do this by theme - Italian, Indian, 15-minute-or-less, French, Mexican, Dessert only, and any others that members suggest. We then pair the food with great wine and have a nice dinner party! Cooks can bring one non-cook person as well to each event. And hosts can add to the dinner party if they like - dinner party games, music,or even a movie night post-dinner. We plan to have many fun dinner party nights and to making some great new friends! This is a great way to indulge in your passion for cooking or to just learn how to cook something new - all while having a fun time!

Are you an adventurous cook who likes exploring new recipes? Do you enjoy trying the great foods of the country and the world? Are you open to sharing your culinary creations with other adventurous diners? Would you enjoy hosting dinner parties, especially if the guests do most of the cooking? Is so, then this meetup group might be for you. We would like to organize dinner parties, rotating the venue amongst the members' homes. The size of the party will depend on the space that a host has available. Each dinner party will be a themed dinner, with the host choosing a cuisine from a particular region of the U.S. or the cuisine of another country. Participants would research recipes, cook together or bring a dish prepared by them, consistent with the theme, and a bottle of wine or other theme appropriate beverage to share. We will have a dinner party every four to six weeks depending on the enthusiasm of the members and the availability of hosts. The group welcomes couples and singles. The only requirement is a willingness to create and share good food with good company. ​

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